ATTENTION PATIENTS: Sutherland-Chan Student and Specialty Clinics are open. For more information please click here.


Find out more about our classes! Learn How

New Students

Classes Starting January

Book your $40-$47 Massage Appointment

Student Clinic Schedules

The Sutherland-Chan Experience

Our world in pictures

Open House:

Our next Open House has been rescheduled to October 30th, 2024. Please join us.

S-C Student Clinic Is Open!

Please contact for more information

Alumni Feature:

The Alumni Incentive Program is active and ready to pay you, our alumni, $400 to refer a student to the school!

The Ambassador Program

The following clinics have partnered with Sutherland-Chan to support and promote our clinical excellence in the delivery of Massage Therapy Education.

Sutherland Chan
East York Therapy
Full Function Rehab
Health Casa
Continuum Wellness
Physio Plus
Circle Care